Opengl Programming Guide - The Official Guide to Learning Opengl
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With the rapid growth of new platforms, OpenGL is enjoying a resurgence throughout the graphics industry. This "Red Book" is the essential, authoritative reference to the current OpenGL 4.2, 4.1, and 4.0 standards for graphics programmers at all levels of experience, working in any OpenGL environment, using any OpenGL-compatible platform. This edition has been thoroughly rewritten to reflect OpenGL 4.2, 4.1, and 4.0 core features. For the first time, it includes extensive coverage of shaders and the shading pipeline (tessellation shaders). Shaders are the most dynamic, fastest changing part of the OpenGL specification, and this coverage - which includes extensive material drawn from OpenGL Shading Language (the "Orange Book", 0321637631) - has been specifically requested by many graphics programmers. OpenGL Programming Guide, Eighth Edition is written by OpenGL Series editor Dave Shreiner and a team of experts from Khronos, the organization driving the OpenGL standard. These expert authors offer example-rich, up-to-date introductions to a wide range of essential OpenGL 4.x topics, including drawing, color, texture, viewing, transformations, clipping, framebuffers, light and shadow, curves, surfaces, geometry, and more.